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Fort Worth North Holly Water Treatment Plant Construction


City of Fort Worth


Fort Worth, Texas
United States


Construction Management



Construction Administration & Management

Full-time RPR

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The City of Fort Worth owns and operates the historic North Holly Water Treatment Plant (NHWTP) in downtown Fort Worth. The NHWTP has a rated capacity of 80 million gallons per day and treats surface water using a combination of processes that includes rectangular sedimentation basins. Plummer was retained by the City to provide engineering design and construction administration services to improve the process for removing residuals from the basins. The NHWTP sedimentation basins do not currently include a mechanical method for residuals removal, and the City of Fort Worth periodically drains the basins for manual residuals removal. The purpose of the project is to add a new residuals removal system, which includes retrofitting the rectangular NHWTP basins with circular mechanisms. The new mechanisms will automate residuals removal and discharge residuals to the sanitary sewer. The project includes structural modifications to slope the basin floors as well as support the new residuals removal mechanisms. Hydraulic evaluations are also included to identify the optimum approach for conveying sedimentation basin blowdown to the sanitary sewer.


Lubbock Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction

The City of Lubbock contracted with Plummer for a new 3 million gallons per day wastewater treatment plant.

Lubbock 8 Million Gallon Storage Tank

Plummer is providing third party construction management and resident project representative services on the construction of a new 8 MG water storage tank.

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