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Water Planning

Water Planning Services

  • Water Supply Planning
  • Water Reuse Planning (Nonpotable and Potable)
  • Master Planning
  • Asset Management
About Water Planning

From water supply and water reuse studies to water and wastewater master plans, our team provides the information and analysis that utilities need to make prudent investments in water and wastewater infrastructure. We carefully evaluate our clients’ future needs, identify supply and infrastructure alternatives to serve those needs, and help our clients select the best alternatives - based not only on the cost in dollars but also based on social, environmental, technical, and legal considerations. As engineers, our obligation to the public extends to helping our clients make efficient use of the resources that they already have. This is where our extensive experience and unique strengths in water reuse, water conservation, and asset management set us apart.

Water Supply Planning +

  • Water Demand Forecasting
  • Water Conservation
  • Water Resource Modeling
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Water Reuse Planning (Nonpotable and Potable) +

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Water Quality Evaluations
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Master Planning +

  • Water Distribution Systems
  • Wastewater Collection Systems
  • Demand and Flow Projections
  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • CIP Development
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Asset Management

  • GIS Development & Analysis
  • Condition Assessment
  • Risk & Resilience Assessment
  • Asset Renewal Plans
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Key ContactS

Key Contact

Water Planning
Practice Leader

Serving as Vice President of Operations, Chief Technical Officer and Water Planning Practice Leader, Ellen is responsible for managing corporate operations, driving technical excellence, and overseeing Plummer’s water planning services. Ellen is a nationally recognized expert in water reuse. She has served on numerous state and national committees, as well as professional organizations, relating to the implementation of both nonpotable and potable reuse programs.

Sample Projects

Coppell Asset Management

Plummer was retained by the City of Coppell to develop an asset management plan for the City’s water distribution and wastewater collection systems.

City of Denison Wastewater Master Planning

Plummer was retained by the City of Denison to develop a master plan for the City’s two wastewater collection systems.

San Marcos Water Master Planning

Plummer has been deeply involved in the development and maintenance of the City of San Marcos’ water distribution system hydraulic model for over 10 years.

McAllen Public Utility Reuse And Water Supply Planning

Plummer performed a potable water reclaimed water feasibility study for McAllen Public Utility (MPU) under the United States Bureau of Reclamation Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Program.

Work With Us

We design solutions for the world’s greatest water and telecommunications challenges. We are ready to take on issues you face today so you are better positioned for tomorrow.