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City of Irving Urban Center Lift Station


City of Irving


Irving, Texas
United States





Field Sampling & Testing

Project Gallery

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The Urban Center Lift Station is a wastewater lift station designed with seven submersible pumps, providing a firm capacity of 45 million gallons per day (mgd). Major pieces of the design included rerouting five interceptors to the new lift station, a new Trinity River Authority meter, a new 54-inch discharge line that operates as a gravity line during average flows and as a force main during peak flows, and a new 24-inch force main that connects the existing Colorado Lift Station to the new discharge line.

During the design phase, Plummer performed hydraulic calculations to assist in wet well design, gravity overflow channel design, influent interceptors design, pump selection, and meter selection. Plummer assisted in designing the layout of the lift station and meter vault to meet Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), manufacturer, and client guidelines. We also developed a cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) specification for the rehabilitation of a triple-barrel siphon crossing underneath the Trinity River. In addition, our team took field samples and performed field tests for dissolved oxygen and hydrogen sulfide levels to assist in the recommendation of an odor control system for the lift station.


Oklahoma City Atoka Pipeline Design

Oklahoma City receives a significant portion of its water from southeastern Oklahoma via a 100-mile-long, 60-inch diameter, pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipeline (PCCP) that was originally installed in the early 1960s.

Upper Trinity Regional Water District Stone Hill Parallel 72-inch Pipeline

Plummer designed a 3.8-mile, 72-inch diameter parallel pipeline, which included 10 trenchless crossings.

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