North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD)
Collin County, TX
To support permitting of a discharge of treated wastewater effluent from a new regional wastewater treatment plant, Plummer assisted the NTMWD in developing a plan for collecting field measurements of stream geometry and flowrates and developed a QUAL-TX model based on the collected data. Plummer customized site-specific model hydraulic coefficients for Stiff Creek and Sister Grove Creek by fitting curves to the velocity-flowrate and depth-flowrate relationships obtained from the field data. Plummer used the model to identify discharge flowrates and water quality that are projected to maintain the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards in the receiving water. Finally, Plummer wrote a modeling technical memorandum that was submitted as part of the TPDES permit application, answered TCEQ questions about the model, and assisted NTMWD in obtaining the discharge permit.
The 2014 Austin Water Resource Task Force recommended that the City of Austin evaluate the feasibility of IPR in Lady Bird Lake (LBL) as one of several water supply strategies for consideration in the City’s integrated water resources plan.
Plummer developed a dissolved oxygen model that couples the FREHD hydrodynamic code (Hodges, 2012) and EPA WASP 7 to simulate dissolved oxygen in Oso Bay.
Plummer updated the TCEQ’s regulatory model for the Upper Trinity River to a newer version and incorporated revised background flows.
To support permitting of a discharge of treated wastewater effluent from a new wastewater treatment plant, Plummer developed a QUAL-TX model from HEC-RAS cross-sections of the receiving stream.
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