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Elbert Creek Water Company/Glacier Club Water Treatment Plant


Elbert Creek Water Company (Previously Glacier Club)


Durango, Colorado
United States


Water Treatment




Construction Management

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This project, which received a 2020 American Council of Engineering Companies Colorado Honor Award, included the first gravity operational mode membrane filtration system in the state of Colorado.  The existing conventional water treatment facility at the Glacier Club could not produce an adequate supply of potable water during peak periods. Plummer was brought on board to 1) increase plant capacity to 0.5 million gallons per day (mgd) and 2) upgrade the finished water conveyance system. Major project components included retrofitting the media filtration system to membrane filtration, upgrading the booster pump station, and adding telemetry between the plant, pumps, and finished water storage tank. Due to the compressed schedule, the membrane system was pre-procured and an alternate delivery method was needed; the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) method was selected.

The filtration system and clearwell required upgrades to meet the 0.5 mgd capacity requirement and to meet the regulatory inactivation/removal requirements. A conversion of the conventional multi-media filtration system to a membrane gravity filtration (MGF) system was selected because it satisfied both of those requirements.  The retrofit utilizes the existing concrete basin, backwash feed, filtrate, and waste lines. Distribution system upgrades included a complete replacement of the existing booster pump station and a new telemetry system providing remote monitoring and control.


Firestone Water Treatment Plant

Phase 1 design capacity is 1.5 MGD with planning and design provisions for a future Phase 2 expansion to 5 MGD.

Waxahachie Robert W. Sokoll Water Treatment Plant

Plummer designed a new 20 million gallons per day (mgd) microfiltration membrane water treatment plant (WTP) shared by the City of Waxahachie and Rockett Special Utility District.

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