Dissolved Oxygen Model of Oso Bay


City of Corpus Christi


Corpus Christi, TX


Water Quality Modeling


Bay/Estuary Modeling

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Oso Bay is a complex shallow estuary system that is heavily impacted by tidal cycles, local aquatic flora and fauna, and large hypersaline water transfers that alter the Bay’s natural hydrologic regime.

The Sutter Wildlife Refuge in the Oso Bay Estuary
The Suter Wildlife Refuge in the Oso Bay Estuary

Plummer developed a dissolved oxygen model that couples the FREHD hydrodynamic code (Hodges, 2012) and EPA WASP 7 to simulate dissolved oxygen in the Bay. The model was calibrated and used to evaluate the impact of effluent discharge from the City of Corpus Christi’s wastewater treatment plants on the Bay health. The model has been approved by the TCEQ and adopted as a regulatory model to evaluate discharges into the Bay. Plummer provided model expertise to assist in the City’s discussions with the TCEQ and local environmental organizations (e.g., the Coastal Bays Bends and Estuary Program) regarding water quality standards in Oso Bay.

Segmentation and Bathymetry of the Oso Bay Dissolved Oxygen Model
Segmentation and Bathymetry of the Oso Bay Dissolved Oxygen Model


Nutrient Study

As regulatory limits on nutrients and algae become an increasing reality in Texas, it is imperative that a reliable and site-specific approach be developed for establishing Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit effluent quality limits for nutrients.

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